
To maintain a sustainable Company and to achieve our mission: “THAITECH…Sustainability Products of Natural Rubber”, in the era of changes and challenges, we pay very earnest attention to our sustainability management centered on objective — Good Environment, Good Society, Good NR supply chain, and Good Products. Also, as the key challenge of global communities now is certainly the COVID-19 pandemic, New Normal Practices have become another focused area of our business conduct and sustainability management.

As a natural rubber processor having long and considerable experience in the business field since our establishment in 1996, we have always recognized our reliance on natural resources, especially natural rubber. Sustainability was initiated to the world of business and is currently receiving more and more attention globally, Thus, we have begun to study and observe the changes along with customer interest and expectations, sustainability is an integral part of the natural rubber business. We embarked on our sustainability journey in 2019 and have been maintaining our ongoing effort towards sustainability of the natural rubber industry in various aspects.

Sustainability issues that receive global attention and are also concerned with our business activities cover a wide variety of topics. Some significant topics on which we emphasized to mitigate their impacts include climate change, decolonization, energy conservation, circular economy, human rights and labor practices, and anti-corruption, etc. Our effort in addressing those issues has been evidenced by our Sustainability Reports, EcoVadis CSR management scoring, ISOs certification, and other